
Some days ago while I was checking out a radio station to tune in, I noticied a strange radio station on my area emiting what only could be described as a very sharp and strange interference noise.

I've been always kind of a 'curious geeky person', always wandering arround and downloading random obscure software to my devices... 'Fucking arround to find out', as some people would say. So when I heard for the first time this sound an absurd idea randomly popped out on my mind. I thought is sounded similar to a Robot36-type SSTV transmission happening.

SSTV (for Slow Scan TeleVision) is a method that basicly converts pictures into audio, to later be distributed in various forms, such as radio signals, hidden content on a video, etc. Something that I knew because I used to bingewatch a lot of ARG-related videos and content. Something that I still do, but not in that way.

There is a very popular app called 'Robot36 - SSTV Image Decoder' that works really well that I forgot to uninstall on my phone and it worked! Even if I couldn't get the full image, the result was bizarre. A white background with the words 'GG' written on a random corner of the image.

I think it was interesting so I setup my phone all the night waiting for that misterious radio to transmit again, to see if this was a one-off thing or if this was something else. And sure as it was, I've recibied another similar image, but with another text: 'No Real. Request failed successfully. Modify and try again later'.

I don't know what this could be. Maybe it could be a radioafficionate using this signal as its personal feed to send very bizarre shitpost all day, maybe it could be some kind of spy station made by some strange goverment agencies, or even aliens? Maybe? But I honestly have no idea.

I've created this website in order to document this strange occurrance, gather as much information as I can and try to solve this rather enigmatic mystery.

I'll leave a dedicated device to recive and convert this signals to images and I'll setup a Python script that will recolect all of the images that I have and then update the 'Transmissions' section of this website with a transcription and then just post that transcription to a dedicated Mastodon account.

==> If you have any clue of what this could be, please try tagging the account. <==